Welcome to the QE(K)A Website
We are the Alumni Association of Queen Elizabeth College that was on Campden Hill Road, Kensington. The College’s history goes back to 1878 when lectures for ladies were held in the old town hall in Kensington. The College finally closed its doors in 1985.
Our main activity is the Annual Reunion, held at Kings College Strand site on the first Saturday in October.
The website had a big update but some pages are in the original website format. Where a link takes you to the old website you will get a warning that you are going to an insecure website. This is nothing to worry about and it’s OK to proceed.
Click here to join the Association
Reunion 2024

Another excellent day. Ed’s talk on ‘Pandemics, Politics and Unfriending Experts: We’ve been here before’ was fascinating and Clare Thomas’ follow up brought us up to speed on current viral and related issues.
As always we have lots of photos of the event so take a look at the Annual Reunion 2004 Photo Album – see if there is anyone there you recognise and perhaps aim to attend next year to catch up on QE(K)A friends and colleagues. Reunion 2025 will be on Saturday 04 October 2025
Latest News
Phil Johnson (B.Sc. Biology 1970) has been in touch after reading the article by Kevin Moran in Envoy 2023; Phil was on the same degree course as Kevin. The article prompted Phil to dig out a couple of QEC Ents posters he has from the late 1960’s and send them to the Webmaster. They are now on display on the ‘New Images from the 1960’s page.
Envoy 2024 – all 60 page of it, is now on the website here
We have (Sept 2022) heard of the death of the last Principal of Queen Elizabeth College, Dr. Robert Sandford Barnes D.Sc., who died on 18th May 2021. We have a page with an obituary by his daughter, Philippa Kay Barnes, here.
Do you remember the Xmas Ball 1976 – if you do you didn’t do it properly! See the Ents poster for the 1976 ball, and others from the 1970’s, here.
We have revised the Constitution to bring it up-to-date and updated the page with minutes of Committee meetings and AGMs and associated documents, plus copies of the Accounts.
The Obituary section has been updated to make it easier to use. A list of all obituaries that have appeared in Envoy can be downloaded by clicking on this link QE(K)A_obituaries_2020.pdf

The latest memorabilia are cufflinks and a tie pin. The pins cost £4.00 and the cufflinks £8.00 and can be ordered from Paul Ogden, the QE(K)A Chair via the webmaster
We have in stock mugs, cufflinks and tie pins. Unfortunately the shield and scarves are just too expensive to get made without a substantial order. If you want to order a mug, tie pin or cufflinks contact the webmaster.

Remember those heady days at KCHSS or QEC? A number of year and class reunions have been organized over the years; these are the ones for which we have details.
KCHSS and Leicester University, Class of 1954, IMS Course 1955-57, Class of 1977, 1977-79, Microbiology 1967, Microbiology 1973, Cohort of 1967-70 Reunion

We hope the following enables you to find and enjoy all the information on this website that we have about KCHSS, QEC, its staff and students.
Events – Activities that have a link to QEC, mostly Kings College reunions
People and the News – information about KCHSS and QEC alumni
Photo Album – mostly pictures from the 1960’s and 1970’s
QEC Archives – on-line archive of KCHSS and QEC empheria assembled by Kings College
Envoy – The KCHSS and QEC magazine.

A select band of people meet a couple of times a year, drink beer (OK, these days it might be a skinny, de-caf latte), and keep the Association running. The main role of the committee is to organize the Annual Reunion. As the Association used to charge a membership fee there is a legal responsibility to properly account for the Association’s funds.
Annual General Meetings – held during the Annual Reunions