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Photo Album

This section is our photographic record of QEC. There are quite a lot of fascinating pictures to be found here so do take your time to explore all the pages.

I am very grateful to all those who have either e-mailed me pictures, or even more generously, given to me their pictures at a Reunion so that I can take copies. These pictures form an invaluable record of QEC, a record that will quickly fade unless we take steps to preserve the history and our memories of the College.

So, if you have any pictures of QEC, or related to QEC (and of course it’s predecessors) then please e-mail them to me.

The 1960’s

For the 1960’s we have some fascinating pictures from Elizabeth Young (nee Saunders) of field trips in 1961.

Richard Dixon (1964-68) sent me some pictures from his time at QEC, including Biology field trips and the infamous Pancake Race!

We’ve recently (Nov 2021) received some pictures from the 1967-70 Cohort so these are in a new page on this ‘new’ website. To see these pictures click here

To see the ‘original’ 1960’s pages click here.

The 1970’s

This section started off with some pictures sent to me by Ron Wilkinson. We now have some pictures of beer tasting in Croydon, and the QEC Cricket team

The College

I’ve started to put some order into the pictures I have taken of the College building. Various people have kindly passed on to me some of their pictures of the College buildings which will appear in the fullness of time. To start off with, here are some pictures of the building during April 2004, and on the day of the Annual Reunion, 18 October 2004 (coz I was passing!).

I’ve also got an advertisement I saw in June 2006 advertising the luxury flats for sale, one of the features being an indoor swimming pool.

Year Photos

Way, way back in 2003 Gillian Medcalf kindly loaned me 2 of her College whole year photos from 1956 and 1957. At the time all I could do was to photo them and attempt to stitch the pictures together to recreate the whole. It didn’t work. The not long ago I bought myself a new digital camera that came with some ‘panorama’ making software and in 3 clicks of a mouse what I had failed to do in 3 years took about 1 minute to complete.

More recently Eric Chantler had sent to me a copy of his whole year photo from 1966. My technique for copying the long photos had improved by then, and the magic software stitched the separate images together brilliantly.

In May 2011 Philip Francomb sent us his Year photos from 1962, 63 and 64.

Ents Posters

Clearing the loft I came across some QEC SU Ents posters I’d forgotten about. We have already put some on the website celebrating the Class of ‘77, specifically for the Christmas Ball 1976.

Time I thought for a dedicated page and perhaps readers might find some posters in their loft that we can add here; email me here

This first poster is your webmaster being a bit self-indulgent. When at QEC I had a (somewhat famous) Gold Honda CB750. QEC didn’t have a bike club so I joined the Imperial College one – yes, I know, going over to the enemy but they were all very nice. And very jealous of my ‘jap crap’ CB750 as they all had british bikes (Norton Commando, Royal Enfields…) so spent most of their time trying to start their bikes whilst the CB750 had an electric start. Anyway I did start a QEC bike club and stole this poster from Imperial to advertise it. I was also the Secretary of the NUS Motorcycle Club (a club of clubs, so to speak) – imagine trying to communicate with clubs before photocopiers let alone email!

QEC Bike Club 1975