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Annual Reunion 2021

As for 2020, due to Covid we decided that the 2021 Annual Reunion should also be a virtual event (and not helped, it has to be said, by Kings College not being able to say in good time whether they would be taking bookings for use of their rooms when we enquired earlier in the year).

However this year we wanted to try to get back more to the format of the physical Annual Reunions. Dr Claire Thomas, one of our Committee members was intimately involved with how the NHS handled Covid-19 as Director of Infection Prevention and Control at Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, part of Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She was interviewed by Professor Seamus Higson who is also a QE(K)A committee member.

And thanks to using Zoom you can now view recordings of the AGM and the interview of Dr. Claire Thomas on this page.

Below you can see a screen shot of the attendees at the Annual Reunion and AGM 2021