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Annual Reunion 2023

To see photos of the QE(K)A Annual Reunion 2023 click here

Location, Timings and Booking

King’s College London, Strand Campus, London, WC2R 2LS


10.30 Tea/Coffee (Old Committee Room)
11.30 Reunion Lecture (Council Room)
12.30 AGM (Council Room)
13.00 Buffet Lunch (River Room)
15.00+ Close

Booking your place at the Reunion

Friends and family are also warmly welcome, even if not Q.E.C. graduates.

Bookings may be made on-line or by post. Please send payment of £35.00 per person.
and provide your name (including maiden name if applicable), course, and years at College so that we can print ID labels. Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.

By Post – send a cheque payable to ‘QUEEN ELIZABETH KINGS COLLEGE, to
Barbara McLennan, QE(K)A Treasurer, Gable End, 6 Clifford Grove, Ashford, Middlesex, TW15 2JT.

sort code 30-94-42, account number 25959963, using as reference SURNAME,
Initial(s). Please email information to and when payment has been made.

Guest speaker at the 2023 Annual Reunion

Professor Kypros Nicolaides
Professor of Fetal Medicine at King’s

Cypriot born Kypros Nicolaides graduated in Biochemistry and Physiology at QEC (now King’s) in 1974 and has gone on to become a pioneer of fetal medicine whose discoveries have revolutionised the field.

After graduating from QEC, he went on to do an MBBS in Medicine at King’s College followed by an MRCOG in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In 1986 he became director of the Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine, King’s College Hospital, which had been opened in 1984 by Princess Diana. This was the first Fetal Medicine Centre in Britain and is the biggest one in the world. More than 10,000 patients are examined each year and many of these patients are referred from other hospitals in Britain and other countries because of serious complications of pregnancy. In addition, more than 200 doctors from all over the world visit the centre to observe and receive training.

He was appointed Professor of Fetal Medicine at King’s in 1992. His research activities include the development of new methods for screening for chromosomal defects and fetal abnormalities, screening and prevention of preterm birth and preeclampsia, and fetal therapy. He has provided training in Fetal Medicine to 600 doctors from 50 countries and has supervised 66 doctors to undertake research leading to postgraduate qualifications. He has published over 1,600 papers in Scientific Journals, his work being cited more than 135 thousand times. He is Founder and Chairman of the Fetal Medicine Foundation, a charity set up in 1995 to promote research and training in Fetal Medicine throughout the World. More than £45,000,000 have been donated to finance the training of many doctors from all over the world and to carry out major multicentre studies.

Prof. Nicolaides has received the highest awards of excellence from many international professional bodies, the Eardley Holland Gold Medal of the RCOG, Grand Cross of the Order of Makarios III from the Republic of Cyprus, Gold Cross of The Order of the Phoenix from the Republic of Greece, and Honorary Doctorates in Medicine from fourteen Universities across the World.