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Annual Reunion 2024

Location and Timings

Saturday, 5th October 2024 at 10:30 a.m.
King’s College London, Strand Campus, London, WC2R 2LS

Guest Speaker

Baroness Kay Swinburne, QEC / King’s Biochemistry and Microbiology graduate

Kay Swinburne (neé Jones) was born in Aberystwyth (1967) and was raised in Llandysul in the County of Ceredigion. She is a native Welsh speaker. Kay is a graduate of King’s College, London where she attained a Joint Honours degree in Biochemistry & Microbiology followed by a Ph.D. in Biochemistry.

She also has an MBA from the University of Surrey. She has had a successful career in financial services prior and post being elected to the European Parliament in 2009 as an MEP for Wales and recently served as a HMG Minister.

Whilst a Member of European Parliament (2009-2019), she was a leading EU legislator serving as Vice Chair of the Economics and Monetary Affairs
Committee, shaping EU and global financial services legislation. Her background in Investment Banking and managing a Biotech hedge fund, stood
her in good stead as a legislator of financial services, post the financial crisis of 2008. On leaving elected office in 2019, Kay became Vice Chair of
KPMG UK’s Financial Services practice and Chair of the EMA Risk & Regulatory Insight Centre. She is an active voice in the financial markets and has led
special projects on financial regulation – including Fintech, UK competitiveness and capital market infrastructure as well as ESG issues.

Kay, is the former Chair of the International Regulatory Strategy Group, (one of the most influential regulatory and strategy cross-sectional groups
in Europe), and a founding member of the UK Capital Markets Industry Taskforce, (an industry-led group that aims to support wider regulatory
reform and the international position of the UK capital markets), and was also a member of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Secondary Markets
Advisory Committee (which helps develop reforms that improve market competition, increase consumer protection and enhance the integrity of
markets), and chaired the Kalifa Review’s Policy and Regulatory chapter into UK Fintech competitiveness. Baroness Swinburne entered the House of Lords
as a Peer and Government Whip (Baroness in Waiting) in June 2023 and recently as Under-Secretary of State in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities

We look forward to welcoming Baroness Swinburne as our special guest for 2024


10.30 Tea/Coffee (Old Committee Room)
11.30 Reunion Lecture (Council Room)
12.30 AGM (Council Room)
13.00 Buffet Lunch (River Room)
15.00+ Close


Friends and family are also warmly welcome, even if not Q.E.C. graduates.

Bookings may be made on-line or by post. Please send payment of £38.00 per person and provide your name (including maiden name if applicable), course, and years at College so that we can print ID labels. Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.

By Post – send a cheque payable to ‘QUEEN ELIZABETH KINGS COLLEGE, to
Barbara McLennan, QE(K)A Treasurer, Gable End, 6 Clifford Grove, Ashford, Middlesex, TW15 2JT.

sort code 30-94-42, account number 25959963, using as reference SURNAME, Initial(s). Please email information to and when payment has been made.