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QE(K)A Annual Reunion 2024 – Photo Album

2024’s Annual Reunion and AGM was another great success. Ed Henderson stepped on at short notice when our booked speaker, Baroness Kay Swinburne, had to pull out at short notice for personal reasons. Ed’s talk was fascinating; wearing face masks during a pandemic was first introduced during the Spanish Flu pandemic. As Ed said several times when taking about responding to a pandemic ‘we’ve been here before’. Ed’s talk was followed by Claire Thomas bringing us up-to-date on Covid, flu and some diseases reappearing in the UK after having been eliminated. Equal measures scary and reassuring, I thought!

The day starts, as always, with meeting up for coffee in the ‘Old Committee Room’, a chance to catch up with QE(K)A friends and colleagues.

It’s then time to move to the lecture theatre for the talk and AGM. We normally have a lecture theatre next to the Old Committee Room but it was in use so we all had to move up a flight of stairs to a theatre we’ve not been in before. However it was all good and all the technology actually worked. You’ll notice in some of the pictures the enormous QE(K)A flag. This, along with other memorabilia, was sent over by Neville Marsh from Australia and Lyn and Henry Embling are in the process of cataloguing the memorabilia.

After the talks and AGM it’s off to the River Room for lunch, wine, and lots of catching up.